Friday 10 February 2023

Tree Terminology

In my last post Tree Data Structures I discussed modelling a tree as a raw data structure. That is, a self-describing tree node. In this post I offer some terminology and search/traversal techniques.


In this post...


What Is A Tree?

The following diagram illustrates a basic tree structure.

A tree is data structure that consists of nodes. A tree typically contains a root node (though may contain multiple root nodes). Each tree node contains data that may be searched/traversed.


Examples Of Tree Usage

Trees are an important data structure, examples of use now follow...

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

Parsing is essentally data transformation. Take a sequence of characters and produce tokens. One or more tokens are then transformed to create abstract syntax tree nodes (Expressions, Assignment and so on). These nodes can be run against a runtime engine to run script type code. Most modern computer languages follow this idea. AST's can further be transformed to generate intermediate language code (aka byte code).


A Document Object Model

HTML uses a tree structure to describe page elements. The DOM may be manipulated, once the HTML document is fully loaded. The DOM allows new HTML insertion, modifying existing elements and so on. This gives rise to the so-called "dynamic content".


Hierarchical Data

This is possibly where trees excel. Most data is hierarchical in nature. Consider the following simple examples.

  • A company
    Has a CEO. The CEO might manage numerous managers. Managers, manage workers.
  • A Family
    Has a head of the family. Has grandparents. Has offspring which in turn will have their own offspring.

Tree Terminology

Assuming the following tree...

  • A is the root node.
  • Node B1, B2, B3 are child nodes of the root node, A
    childrenOf(A) => B1, B2, B3
    childrenOf(B3) => c1, c2
  • Node A, the root node, is also the parent node of nodes B1, B2, B3
    parent(B1) => A
    parent(B2) => A
  • Nodes without child nodes are known as leaf nodes.
    Nodes B1, B2, C1 and D1 in the diagram are leaf nodes as they have no child nodes.
  • Nodes have a depth or level.
    The root node(s) are always level 1.
    Node D1, has the highest depth level of 4.
    depth(A) => 1
    depth(B1) => 2
    depth(D1) => 4
  • All nodes bar the root node A are descendants of the root node.
    descendants(A) => B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, D1 descendants(B3) => C1, C2, D1
  • Sibling nodes are nodes that exist on the same level of the node in question.
    siblings(A) => none
    siblings(B1) => B2, B3
    siblings(C1) => C2

Saturday 4 February 2023


A command encapsulates a unit of work. Typically, a command might insert/update a database record, send an email or just update a model. There are numerous ways one can model a command. In this post I describe a simple command mechanism that is suitable for standalone applications. I will also discuss the pros and cons of the approach.


In this post...


Creating The Project

The project is a Console Application, using the .NET Framework (Ver 4.8). The project is named, CommandApp.

No external libraries are required for this project.


Extension/Helper methods

To help visualise program flow I add an extension class.

using System;
namespace CommandApp
  public static class Extensions
    //The Trace extension allows one to simply output a value to the console.
    //The method is easily modified to send output elsewhere..
    public static void Trace<T>(this T src) =>

Simple Commands

The simple command encapsulates command values. The command is also responsible for its own behaviour, in this case, executing command code. The command is executed synchronously, that is, on the thread that created the command. The following diagram illustrates the concept.

The client is simply code that creates and executes the command. The code for the simple command is as follows...

using System;

namespace CommandApp.SimpleCommands
  public abstract class Command
    protected Command() { }

    public bool IsSuccess => null == Exception;

    public Exception Exception { get; private set; }

    public void Execute()
      catch (Exception e)
        this.Exception = e;

    public abstract void OnExecute();

Code Walkthrough

  • The class is declared as abstract, concrete classes override/implement onExecute to implement the command.
  • Client(s) create a new command instance then call the Execute method which catches any exceptions and places into to the Exception property.
  • Client(s) can query the command to check for success or failure an act appropriately.

Simple command Pros and Cons


  • Simple to use.
  • No infrastructure required.
  • Command code, that is values and behaviour all in a single class.
  • Works when using the Command base class that refers to a concraete instance. Can thank Polymorphism for this. For example, Command myCmd = new MyCommand()


  • Command is blocking - main thread blocks whilst waiting for command execution.
  • Including cross-cutting concerns is difficult unless such concerns are included in the Execute parameters. However, this will complicate calling the Execute method.
  • Client(s) can create and execute a given command. Not necessarily bad, but it might be best to separate command creation from command execution. This would allow the software to "inject" code before and after executing code.

Sample Simple Command

The following code illustrates using the simple class. The example Sleeps for 1000ms to simulate a time consuming command.

using System.Threading;

namespace CommandApp.SimpleCommands
  public class AddCustomerCommand : Command
    private readonly string _firstName;
    private readonly string _lastName;

    public int Id { get; private set; }

    public AddCustomerCommand(string firstName, string lastName)
      _firstName = firstName;
      _lastName = lastName;

    public override void OnExecute()
      $"AddCustomerCommand({_firstName}, {_lastName})".Trace();
      "About to sleep for 1000ms to simulate a time consuming command".Trace();
      "Setting Id to 1 to simulate adding a new database record and returning a new Id".Trace();
      Id = 1;

Testing The simple Command

The following code was used to test the simple command...

namespace CommandApp.SimpleCommands
  public static class Test
    public static void Run()
      AddCustomerCommand cmd = new AddCustomerCommand("Fred", "Bloggs");

If all goes well, you should see the following text on the command prompt...
